➝ Un-sight
Un-sight, 2015
Installation with back light box, 174 × 72 × 15.5, chair
Vision is not simply a projection of the external world onto a passive receiver. It is a partially conscious and partially unconscious formulation and evaluation of visual impressions, involving active influences from one’s psyche. It is, in other words, a subjective process of registering, recognizing, understanding and remembering the importance of the world. An eye chart checks one’s visual acuity through distance and light, while the assemblage of letters on the chart deprives words of their usual unity, so makes them lose their meaning, until the whole becomes completely unrecognizable. I choose a sentence from Samuel Beckett’s The Unnamable because it is one of his many texts that implies vision is insight. “Shall I come upon my true countenance at last, bathing in a smile?”.